Sketching Class Fishing Boat Drawing Techniques

This article details a sketching class on drawing a fishing boat using basic geometric shapes.

Documenting a sketch class demonstration on drawing a fishing boat. Recently, a cargo ship in Tainan, which was a popular photography spot, is being dismantled, so I thought it would be fun to draw a boat to get my fix .
This time, we will introduce how to construct the basic structure of a boat using simple geometric shapes. If you're interested, follow along!

●Basic Structure of a Boat:

Ribs: These arch-shaped structures are located on both sides of the boat, maintaining the hull's shape and providing additional strength.


These arch-shaped structures are located on both sides of the boat, maintaining the hull's shape and providing additional strength.


Located centrally at the bottom of the boat, this is the main supporting structure that ensures the boat's linear stability.

●How to Draw a Fishing Boat:

We'll start with a basic rectangular block and gradually refine the shape using structural perspective lines to complete a perspective drawing of the boat's structure.

Perspective helps us better understand the 3D form and spatial arrangement of objects.

●Overall Basic Shape:

The main body of the boat can begin with a rectangular shape. Simplifying it into basic shapes helps establish the overall proportions of the boat. The side view diagram at the bottom shows the boat's length as two squares and its height as 1.7 squares.

●Drawing the Hull's Curve:

We simplify the boat's sides into three angular planes to help draw the curve. This reduces the difficulty of drawing curved lines and helps find corresponding structural positions that aren't visible.

●Application of Structure Lines:

Using structure lines helps draw relatively accurate positions by hand, such as the symmetry of the hull and the relative position of the deck. Refer to the large diagram on the left and the small diagram at the bottom right for details.

I hope this structural introduction helps you understand the key points about boats. If there are any topics or drawing techniques you'd like to learn, feel free to leave a comment or message me. Happy drawing!
